

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Life as Me

Well, I guess I am supposed to post something intresting on here... well I don't know how intresting this is... But .... I am currently 35, My life started out... just like anyone else.... My mom and dad, I love them both very much. But there marriage didn't last.... So I am the product of divorce. My parents have beem divorce since I was 1-2 years old.

What I can remember of my life, is that my mom had lots of boyfriends and a few husbands.. thankful it didn't totally screw me up.  By the age of 15 I was pregnant with my son, and basically kicked out of my house.  Thankful at the time my baby daddy, loved me enough to take me in.

Which I will tell you his and my story later on.... Any who.... I am the mother of 6 kids, me and my ex didn't make it... But I am happily married to a wonderful man... we are going on 11years together... 10 years married.

I met my dad or I should say reunited with my dad back in 2000, He is a cooky guy, I definitely see a lot of my dad's qualities in me... which explain so much. With the surprise of meeting my father I had the privilege of meeting my sisters and brothers, which in case you we're wondering I have one older sister, and 4 younger sisters and 2 younger brothers....

To be continued.....